Detoxarita IV Drip: The Perfect Solution for Hangover Relief

November 27, 2023

Picture this: you’ve just woken up after a wild night out. You spent a fantastic evening crafting lifelong memories, but at this moment, all you can focus on is your terrible hangover. Now, your entire morning will be spent dealing with headaches, nausea, and dehydration.

While most of us enjoy a night out now and then, nobody wants to deal with the hangover that comes after. That’s why more and more people are choosing to get an IV hydration drip. Also referred to as a hangover IV drip, this remedy replenishes you with all the minerals and electrolytes you lost during the night. Not only does it alleviate hangover symptoms, but it also leaves you feeling happy and healthy.

Looking for an IV drip therapy in Naples? At Thrive IV Bar, we offer the Detoxarita Drip: an anti-nausea, immune-boosting remedy that provides quick hangover relief. Keep reading to learn more about how it works and its unique benefits.

How Does the Detoxarita Drip Work?

If you’re new to the realm of IV hydration drips, you’re probably wondering how they work. Put simply, IV therapy delivers fluids, minerals, and vitamins through direct intravenous insertion. First, our experienced staff will check your vitals and recommend a drip from our IV cocktail menu. You can also build your own custom drip, choosing from our wide range of fluids, vitamins, and minerals. A standard blend may include Toradol (for body aches), Zofran (for nausea), and a boost of vitamin C and B12.

Once the drip is ready, our staff will gently insert a needle into your arm, allowing the fluids to enter your bloodstream. You’ll enjoy your drip in our comfortable lounge or IV bar, and you’ll leave feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and ready to take on the day.

Benefits of IV Drip Therapy

IV drip therapy does more than cure a hangover–in fact, many of our members come in weekly just to reap the benefits of our mineral and vitamin blends. Here are some key benefits:

  • Symptom relief: IV drips are filled with electrolytes and vitamins that directly combat many common hangover symptoms, including throbbing headaches and nausea. Instead of spending your whole morning nursing a hangover, you’ll enjoy quick relief.
  • Improved recovery: In addition to providing hangover relief, IV drip therapy can benefit dehydrated athletes or people recovering from illnesses.
  • Hydration: IV therapy provides quick hydration by delivering fluids directly to the bloodstream. This is especially helpful after a night of drinking alcohol, which is known to dehydrate the body.
  • Immune support: Many IV drips contain immune-boosting ingredients (such as vitamin C), which helps strengthen the immune system and boost energy.
  • Quick results: Most IV drip therapy sessions take less than two hours, delivering results that are both quick and effective.

Just one session will have you looking–and feeling–better than ever.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few frequently asked questions about hangover IV drips.

Is IV drip therapy safe?

IV drip therapy is considered safe when administered by professionals, such as the team at Thrive IV Bar. Before you begin the remedy, we’ll walk you through what to expect and any associated risks.

How much does IV drip therapy cost?

Our standard IV hydration drip (1,000 ml) costs $159. However, members enjoy a discounted rate of $129. We also offer an express drip option (500 ml) that takes half the time. The standard express price is $129, while members pay $109.

How long IV drip therapy take?

Generally, IV drip therapy can take anywhere from 45 to 90 minutes. Quick drips take half the time.

What IV drip should I choose?

We offer a collection of IV drip solutions, including custom options. Our staff can help you tailor your own solution based on your needs.

Detoxarita Drip: The Best IV Drip Therapy in Naples

Whether you’re looking for hangover relief or just want to feel rejuvenated, IV hydration drips will get the job done. At Thrive IV Bar, we offer high-quality, replenishing IV drips, delivered by experienced professionals in a comfortable, luxurious setting. While our Detoxarita Drip is open to anyone, members will enjoy special perks and discounts.

Ready to Thrive? Book your appointment today!